Entry requirements
Admission criteria for the Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Drama and Theatre (NQF 8) are as follows:
Must have traditional education undergraduate qualification or must demonstrate maturity of age and extensive work experience of a high standard in the field of Applied Drama and Theatre
Must provide proof of BA, diploma or successful completion of at least 3 Drama for Life- Wits accredited short courses
Demonstrate outstanding Performance, Theatre-Making, Performing Arts Management, Community Theatre and, or Arts Education skills
Demonstrate work or training experience in Capacity Development, HIV/AIDS, Civic Society, Health Education, Arts Therapies, Universities and Arts & Culture
Evidence of experience in at least one of the following fields is recommended: HIV/Aids Education, activism, arts therapy and or counseling, Human Rights and Social Justice, Peace Building, Transformation and Diversity, and Environmental Sustainability and Climate Emergency would be an asset
Admission criteria for the Bachelor of Arts with Honours Degree in the field of Applied Drama: Theatre in Education, Communities and Social Context (NQF 8) are as follows:
Must have undergraduate degree, a four year degree in Arts, Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology, Education or Health Sciences, or a Postgraduate Diploma specializing in Applied Drama and Theatre
Must demonstrate excellent teaching and, or facilitation skills in drama and theatre, or
Must demonstrate excellent cultural leadership and, or management skills, or
Must demonstrate excellent directorial, choreographic or art direction skills
Demonstrate outstanding Story-telling, Performance, Theatre-Making, Performing Arts Management, Community Theatre and, or Arts Education skills
Demonstrate work or training experience in Capacity Development, HIV/AIDS, Civic Society, Health Education, Arts Therapies, Universities and Arts & Culture
Evidence of experience in at least one of the following fields is recommended: HIV/Aids Education, Activism, Arts therapy and or Counselling, Health Sciences, Human Rights and Social Justice, Peace Building, Transformation and Diversity, and Environmental Sustainability and Climate Emergency would be an asset
Admission criteria for the Master’s Degree in the field of Applied Drama: Theatre in Education, Communities and Social Context (NQF 9) are as follows:
Must have a four year Honours equivalent degree, or an Honours Degree in the Field of Applied Drama and Theatre, Dramatic Art or Arts, Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology, Education or Health Sciences, or a Postgraduate Diploma specializing in Applied Drama and Theatre
Must demonstrate conceptual ability and academic skill to undertake research degree
Must demonstrate informed and engaged relationship to arts and global citizenship
Must demonstrate extensive reading
Must demonstrate consistent, on-going engagement with live theatre, dance, film, art, music
Must demonstrate excellent teaching and, or facilitation skills in drama and theatre, or
Must demonstrate excellent cultural leadership and, or management skills, or
Must demonstrate excellent directorial, choreographic or art direction skills
Demonstrate outstanding Story-telling, Performance, Theatre-Making, Performing Arts Management, Community Theatre and, or Arts Education skills
Demonstrate work or training experience in Capacity Development, HIV/AIDS, Civic Society,
Health Education, Arts Therapies, Universities and Arts & Culture
Evidence of experience in at least one of the following fields is recommended: HIV/Aids Education, Activism, Arts therapy and or Counselling, Health Sciences, Human Rights and Social Justice, Peace Building, Transformation and Diversity, and Environmental Sustainability and Climate Emergency would be an asset
Bachelor of Arts with Honours in the field of Drama Therapy (NQF 8):
The Honours in the field of Drama Therapy opened in January 2013 at Drama for Life, Wits School of Arts, University of the Witwatersrand. This degree is a pre-requisite but not guarantee entry into the Drama Therapy Master of Arts in the field of Drama Therapy.
Administration criteria for the Honours Degree in Drama Therapy are as follows:
- Must have an undergraduate degree in drama and theatre with a strong base in a related field such as anthropology, psychology, social work, speech therapy, occupational therapy, education and, or a degree in a related field, or
- An undergraduate degree, or Postgraduate Diploma specializing in Applied Drama and Theatre
- Must have completed Psychology 1 and 2
- Must demonstrate excellent facilitation skills, or
- Must demonstrate excellent care-giving skills, or
- Must demonstrate excellent psycho-educational skills
- Must demonstrate a sound grasp of arts as a healing media
- Must have previous experience of working with the Arts in an educational, community and or care setting
Experience should include areas such as Drama Teaching within formal and non-formal education sectors, and Theatre for Development in HIV & AIDS community education and healthcare settings
.Admission criteria for the Master of Arts in the field of Drama Therapy (NQF 9) are as follows:
- Must have a Bachelor of Arts with Honours Degree in the field of Drama Therapy, or an equivalent
- Must have completed Psychology 1, 2 and 3
- Must demonstrate excellent facilitation skills
- Must demonstrate excellent care-giving skills
- Must demonstrate excellent psycho-educational skills
- Must demonstrate a sound grasp of subtle meaning of “arts as a means toward healing”, “art as healing”, and “healing as an art”
- Must have previous experience of working with the Arts in an educational, community and or care setting
Experience should include areas such as Drama Teaching within formal and non-formal education sectors, and Theatre for Development in HIV & AIDS community education and healthcare settings
- Must demonstrate an integral understanding of Embedded Knowledge
- Must demonstrate an understanding of the psychological and drama concepts and processes, inclusive of Applied Drama and Theatre Studies, individual and or group work in drama and or theatre and or counselling, ethical practice, an introductory theoretical and experiential understanding of the field of Drama Therapy
The Masters training in the field of Drama Therapy opened in January 2014 at the University of the Witwatersrand. The course will offer a unique integration of varying Drama Therapy models of practice with particular reference to current work within the South African Context. The Masters training will run full time over the period of one year. Within this year students will complete the following:
- 300 hours of clinical practice
- Drama Therapy course work
- Group and Individual clinical supervision
- Research Report / Dissertation
- Attendance of individual psychotherapy sessions will be a compulsory
course requirement
Following the Masters training students will complete a compulsory internship of one year to be hosted by two separate organisations during which time they will complete the additional 700 hours required to register with the Health Professions Council of South Africa. Students will register as Drama Therapy interns with the Health Professions Council of South Africa during their internship year.
Course Entry Requirements
Drama for Life has its own Student Office: Recruitment, Administration, Scholarships, Welfare and Counselling. The office processes all applications, specifically guiding applicants through the procedures set out by the university. Support is provided for applicants in need.
Drama for Life advertises its programmes on all its media platforms and through its media partners, namely Wits, FLOW communications and BUZPR.
Prospective students apply online.
the application process is managed by the Wits Student Enrolment Centre, Ground Floor, Solomon Mahlangu House.
Complete and submit a Postgraduate online application on https://www.wits.ac.za/postgraduate/applications/
Upload application documents on https://self-service.wits.ac.za
Certified copy of academic transcript/s covering all periods of registration at every University you have attended - (Any documentation not in English must be translated and sworn to by an authorized translator),
And/or original records of previous workshops, conferences, courses that you have attended, and/or evidence of previous work as a performer and/ or drama teacher/lecturer.
SAQA accredited copies of any degrees not attained from a South African Tertiary Institution – Enquiries to be addressed to The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)
Helpdesk: 012 431 5070
Switchboard: +27 12 431 5000
Fax: +27 12 431 5039
Website: www.saqa.org.za ( Kindly ensure that you simultaneously submit your application to SAQA,
NB. For international applicants
Detailed Curriculum Vitae
Written motivation letter expressing your interest to study with Drama for Life
A short essay (minimum 2 pages and maximum 4pages)
One reference letter with all the particulars of the referee
Certified copy of your ID. Document (SA citizen) or passport (International applicant) with an identifiable photograph.
A non-refundable application fee of R200 is payable. Please upload the proof of payment
Degree Codes:
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (PGDA) in Applied Drama- AXA00
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) Drama Method in partnership with the Wits School of Education- HX000
Bachelor of Arts Honours in Applied Drama: Theatre in Education, Communities & Social Contexts- AHA00
Bachelor of Arts Honours in Drama Therapy- AHA00
Master of Arts in Applied Drama: Theatre in Education, Communities & Social Contexts- ACA00
Master of Arts in Drama Therapy- ACA00
Master of Arts in Dramatic Art (Dissertation and Creative Research)- ARA00
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)-Dissertation and Creative Work- ADA02
Closing dates:
31st October 2020- International applications
30 November 2020 - South African Citizens
Wits Financial Aid, Scholarships and Residence
Apply via https://self-service.wits.ac.z... before 31 October 2020
Academic degree Enquiries:
Email: omphemetse.mokgosi@wits.ac.za or
info.dfl@wits.ac.za or
Call 011 717 4783